(708) 294-2112
Cook County Traffic Ticket Attorney
Traffic Ticket Defense
If you were issued a traffic citation and already have several points on your driving record from earlier tickets, contesting the charges you are facing may be necessary to avoid a license suspension. A Cook County traffic ticket lawyer from Traffic Ticket Law Group can review your case and driving record to determine your best course of action, and answer any questions you have regarding your ticket. Our attorney is intimately familiar with traffic laws and court procedures and can give you a thorough overview of the steps involved in disputing a citation.
If you recieve a traffic citation, contesting your citation may be the best solution to your situation and can help you avoid points on your driving record. When Traffic Ticket Law Group represents you in a traffic case, we will provide you a 100% money back guarantee that you will not have to appear in court, will not be found guilty of the charges you are facing, will not have to attend driving school and will not receive any points on your driving record for civil infractions. There are some restrictions to this offer that the firm can discuss when they review your case. You will also pay very affordable rates usually ranging from $99 to $149 based on the type of citation you received. This is a flat rate regardless of the number of court appearances that may be required. It does not include fines or court costs. The firm will provide whatever legal assistance you need, and help you resolve your situation as effectively and efficiently as possible. We offer a free consultation with Attorney, and invite you to call us at 773-609-4108.
Traffic Ticket Lawyer In Cook County
When fighting a traffic ticket, you may stand a better chance of a favorable conclusion to your case if you are represented by an experienced ticket defense lawyer. The firm's rates are very affordable and generally range from a $99 to $149 one-time only fee, exclusive of any fines or court costs that may be applicable. The firm provides its clients with exceptional service and can assist you in any type of traffic ticket case.
Contact a Cook County traffic ticket attorney for informed legal advice and assistance if you have been cited for a traffic violation.
The Risks Commercial Drivers Face
Professional licenses and permits require have different conditions which drivers must adhere to. Commerical driver holders are held to a higher standard of safety than a regular drivers. This means any tickets you receive while driving a commercial or personal vehicle with your CDL run the risk of being quite significant. Understanding whether or not CDL ticket dismissal is possible for your case comes down to consulting the right attorneys.
Call us today at 773-609-4108 or contact us online to get more information about our free consultation and services to know your options.
Successfully Fight Your CDL Traffic Ticket
Even if you are the best professional driver, you can make a mistake and receive a CDL traffic ticket in Cook County. Our lawyers at Traffic and Speeding Ticket Law Group not only serve all of Cook County but also handle CDL tickets resulting from:
Running a red light
Getting involved in an accident
Receiving a DUI
Reckless driving
Driving with a suspended license
Weigh station ticket
Truck or Tractor Driving Over 55 mph Speed Limit
With an over 90% success rate in Cook County traffic Court, you can trust our attorneys at Traffic and Speeding Ticket Law group to handle your trucking legal services.
Keep your Job, Not Your Speeding Ticket
When you are facing a Cook County truck driving speeding ticket, you don't have to worry that your boss or company will find out about your ticket. With thousands of cases handled and over 30 years of experience spent fighting traffic tickets, our lawyers will know how to deal with the traffic case. You don't have to keep the negative marks on your CDL license, or waste time attending court or traffic school, you can trust your case to our lawyers.
Our prices are very reasonable, and we believe getting a CDL traffic ticket can be stressful, we will not add to that stress. To get the Odeh Law Group Traffic and Speeding on your case, call us at 708-294-2112 or fill out our online form and one of our lawyers will reach out to you for a free consultation.